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Friday, May 25, 2007



hmm... now that's a word I love very much, 4 real, that's one of my favourite words. I love to make friends and I love to know that I have friends around me and with me always. If not all my friends, at least one of them will always be there for me whenever I needed a friend, I lie not. I love to know that my circle of friends keep increasing cos its one thing I love to do - make friends.

Can you believe that most of the friends I have right now (about 98% of them) came into my life within the past 3 years?! I'll tell you why.

There was a time in my life when I neither could make new friends nor keep in touch with my old friends. Isolation. Islanding. Cos I was in a situation that I just couldnt do it. One day soon, I shall be able to discuss that situation, in fact, its another topic altogether. But I did find myself out of that situation with the help of two very special friends who saw the real me and wouldnt allow me to 'languish' any longer in that sorry situation.

So I'm out. I came out. And make friends I did! No Holds Barred! Guys, girls, old, young. And God has been bringing such great friends into my life that I often wonder what ever came over the person that did that horrible piece: "friends will let you down, friends wont be around when you need them most where are your friends. Friends are hard to find, friends yours and mine..." What??!! Maybe that has been her experience but my friends have been the exact opposite: they've been there for me, never let me down, very easy for me to find, hah! I find friends almost everywhere I go! and if I notice that someone doesnt want to be my friend, I give them space cos I only want to be friends with those who want to be friends with me. Guess that's the way it goes right? The Bible (that's my standard, you know) says if a man must have friends, he has to make himself friendly (paraphrased by me). But its true, how can people become friends with you if you are not friendly? c'est ne pas possible.

And we do need friends in our lives. Without friends I dont know what life would be like. I've often heard people say "I dont have friends, I dont make friends, I dont need friends"! w-o-w! I tell myself, "this one doesnt know what she's missing!" cos I know what I'm gaining through the friends in my life.

Friendship, I however believe, is in levels. I have many friends, yes, but they're in different levels in my life and though I might not have a man in my life right now, I have friends that I remember our closeness and I dont feel lonely (except I just wanna feel lonely, side from that, I never do, because of the kind of friends I have and the levels they're in). When I say levels I mean categories; some are quite close, so close that we can talk about practically everything (I'm blessed to have such a friend! I cant imagine what I cant tell him: good, bad, ugly, exciting, failure, success, the works), some we go real deep but I cant really download my failures to them and some we just laugh and jist and play and... but they're all my friends and I love them all.

Whew! Friends... they're one of the best things God gave to us to make life worth living.

All the best dearies! and I hope you have a swell time loving on your friends and making new ones. I'm enjoying myself here!

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