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Friday, June 8, 2012

But for His Mercy!

It was July 2010. Owerri to Abuja. My whole bunch and I, they were coming over for the holidays. President and Diamond were flying for the very first time so they sat beside me and Baron sat in front of us with 2 adult men.
About 30 minutes to landing there was a problem and for almost 15 minutes the pilot was struggling with the airplane. It will ascend with such speed and then drop! This happened like 5 times. People were screaming, everyone.
My daughter had severe pains in her ears because of the pressure, as the pilot explained. My boys were scared. Even Baron, the tough guy. Their eyes were red with fright. For some reason I couldn't explain then, I wasn't scared. maybe becos of my children. I told them not to fear that NOTHING WILL HAPPEN. I told them to hold each other's hand and repeat "Thank You Jesus" [Baron reached back and held President] while I kept singing a worship song I had just learnt "Awesome God, how great Thou art, You are God, Mighty are Your miracles..." I still can't tell where that boldness came from cos am shaking from the memory as I type this.
Then as the plane ascended again the face masks fell from above us! People screamed! I reached for mine, wore it and helped Diamond with hers, then President. And I realized the adult men sitting with my son in front didn't even try to help the little boy by their side [everyman on his own I guess] So I reached out and helped him wear his own mask and told them to keep repeating "Thank You Jesus". Then I heard the pilot announce 3 times "Emergency Exit! Emergency Exit!"
The cabin crew [very brave men and women] were moving up and down the aisle, trying to calm people. Offering water to parents of the children who were in pain [like my Diamond] and about two of them were holding fire extinguishers[!!!]. Then at a point the pilot started speaking intermittently and calming everyone and explaining [or trying to] that everything will be alright.
Then everything became calm. We were told to remove the masks. he announced that we would soon land in Abuja. the pain in my daughter's ears ceased. but I didn't stop singing. I couldn't stop singing. I held onto my precious children.
Then we landed Abuja airport and everyone started clapping. We made it! God saved us! Thank You Jesus!
Now you understand why Sunday's tragedy hit me so hard.
But in all these, OUR GOD BE PRAISED! He is indeed a faithful GOD no matter what! He's still sovereign and Almighty! Receive all glory Father! our lives belong to You