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Monday, July 23, 2007

How're you...?

He asked me "how're you?" to which I replied, "Loved!"

He frowned and asked "loved? by who?" I replied "my Father of course!" He still stood there, with d frown still on his face and I had to explain "I just made d most amazing discovery, even though it was something I knew all along, but it never hit home like it did few days ago. The discovery was that my Father loves me. God in Heaven. He loves me. Much more than His life, which was why He gave His Son's life for mine. If not, I would have been trying to figure out how to pay for the many sins I've been committing since my thirty something years on earth but can u imagine? He got it all sorted out, got my back all covered way before I even came on the scene. His love even reaches out to my future, so that if I happen to fall, He's ever present to catch and restore me. And d'you know d part that really trips me? He sees me through the blood that His Son shed for me, not through my personal achievements, not through d window of my success or failure, but through the Precious Blood of His Precious Son. And as a result He loves me unconditionally! My Father loves me, it amazes me everytime I think about it and today He told me 'walk in d consciousness of My love for you' I will, for real. I am loved, by my Daddy!" The guy just stood there looking at me and shaking his head as I walked away. Hope I left an impression on his mind.

I want the world to know that my Daddy loves me and I'm basking in it. More than this I want to always live in that consciousness, never forgetting the reality of His love for me. In the meantime, while I wait for the man He has fashioned for me, who will be a physical manifestation of His Divine Love for me, I will revel in His love. I want to get so used to His undying love for me and His glorious Presence that when my Gift (that's my man from Him, the one who will love me like my Daddy wants me loved, get?) comes I will easily recognise him cos he will reflect my Dad's love for me.

Know what? my Dad loves me unconditionally. I had the chance of having a shot at d meaning of unconditional love recently and I said, "Daddy, this must be a bit of wat You mean when You say You love me unconditionally!" Tell u about it (m sure u're eager to hear).

There's this guy I love so much. We were friends for quite some time and in d course of the friendship, my heart (which seemed to have a mind of her own back then, she's very much under control now, u bet!) overruled my head and bang! I fell desperately for d guy. Since he wasnt anywhere near feeling that kind of love for me he immediately started pulling off the friendship and ignorant (and foolish) as I was back then, I tried all I could to draw him back to me. My friends called me foolish, cheap, my guardian angels would have beaten me over the head a few times without me even feeling it cos I was investing all I could in the project of regaining the friend I fell in love with who has suddenly disappeared into the body of a guy I couldnt understand anymore. Then one day he did something very wicked to me, very wicked. My girlfriend heard it and called him all sorts of names (trust, I couldnt tell some of my other friends and guardian angels what he did), I was so heartbroken, I cried. So much. But at the end of the crying spree and drenched pillows I searched my heart and I simply couldnt find a trace of hatred for him. Not even an atomic trace! I was shocked!! I still loved the guy, after what he did?! I couldnt understand myself and that was when I made that statement to Daddy.

Inspite of all the wicked, heartless things we do to Him, rejecting His love, neglecting His advances, etc, He still loves us. He still loves us. He still loves us!!!

That love must be the Most Wonderful Thing that could happen to anyone on earth! I wonder how people live without it. It's the very Source and Essence of life. In fact, it is Life itself.

I love Him! so much. And I'm desperate for more of Him. Of His Love!

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Been Long!!

Its really been long since I updated my blog! y'all will forgive me please?! wasnt intentional. been quite busy.
a lot has been happening really. i lost the friend i wrote about earlier, he just plain wouldnt call, for reasons best known to him. life goes on, doesnt it? i dont believe in running around after people. i do my best to save friendships but where my best isnt good enough to the other party, i advice myself and move on too. though its always quite painful for me to lose a friend. ive not really had much, and the few are so precious to me so i always try to keep them, understand?
ive been learning a lot too, about who I am and Whose I am. more about purpose, destiny, life etc m still in d process so i cant say much about it now but i know by the time He's through with me, i'll come out as gold.
the world will hear me. i will manifest the glory and majesty of the One Who called me. dats my Divine Mandate and my heart's desire is to do exactly that.
ciao loved ones. till i come next. might or might not be long from now.

ta ta!